Aska Iino, Piano
現代音楽から古楽器のフォルテピアノまでの幅広いレパートリーをもとに、リサイタルシリーズ「Parfum du Futur」や室内楽シリーズ「l’Espace」をはじめ、多彩な演奏活動を展開し、2010年 第28回中島健蔵音楽賞、2014年度 第52回レコード・アカデミー賞(現代曲部門)受賞。
カメラータ・トウキョウよりリリースしたCD「一柳慧ピアノ作品集」、「France Now」、「Japan Now」、「和の歌WANOKA」はいずれもレコード芸術特選盤他の高い評価を受けており、2017年には一柳慧「ピアノ協奏曲第4番Jazz」の2台ピアノ版をピアノソロ用に編曲し、「ジャズ・ファンタジー」としてショット社より出版された。
Aska Iino
Aska Iino was born in Akita ,Japan. She studied piano and fortepiano (fp) at the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique de Paris (le 1er prix of piano, Mention Très Bien à l’Unanimité of piano-forte) as well as piano at the Tokyo University of Fine Arts and Music. In addition, she attended the Conservatoire Royal de Bruxelles on a scholarship of “la Communauté française Wallonie-Bruxelles “ (le 1er Prix à l’ Unanimité avec Distinction). At the age of five, she performed with the Tokyo Philharmonic Orchestra (Cond.Tadaaki Odaka).
Drawing on her wide repertoire ranging from contemporary music to the early 18th Century music of fortepiano, Aska Iino performs regularly in front of world wide audiences. Her concerts have been held in Japan, Finland, France, Spain, U.S.A., Russia, Taiwan, etc… Since 2005, she has continued an annual recital series titled “ Parfum du Futur” featuring contemporary music along with historical fortepiano music which uniquely combines rich and robust sounds with soft and delicate tones. From 2016, she had begun new chamber music series titled “I’Espace”, and already 2 times performed. She is highly acclaimed as one of the most promising pianist of modern music.
Her first album “Piano Works by Toshi Ichiyanagi’”(released in 2012) , second album “France Now”(2014) , third album “JAPAN NOW”(2017) and fourth album “WANOKA”(2020) were highly acclaimed and selected as the best album by ‘Record Geijutsu’, a Japanese mazagine specialized in classical music and records.
In 2010, she received the 28th Nakajima Kenzo Music Award, a prize awarded for extraordinary contributions to contemporary music in Japan. And in 2015, her second album “France Now” received the 52nd Record Academy Award in Japan (contemporary music section).
She also has won several other competitions, including the notable Grand Prix at the 10th Omagari Music Festival for Young Musicians Competiton, Japan, and the SPEDIDAM Prize at the 4th Concours International Piano XXe Siècle d’ Orléans, France.
Ms. Iino has studied with Prof. Germaine Mounier, Prof. Claude Helffer, Prof. Alain Planès, Prof. Hortense Cartier-Bresson, Prof. Dominique Cornil, Prof. Mieko Harimoto, Prof. Hitoshi Kobayasi, Prof. Patrick Cohen, all of whom are accomplished musicians and scholars respectively.
Currently she is a lecturer at Senzoku Gakuen College of Music in Japan, Toho Gakuen Scool of Music and The Music High School Attached to The Faculty of Music, Tokyo University of the Arts in Japan.
Akita Tourism Promotion Ambassador.