

Yumiko Meguri, piano



作曲家との交流も深く、原田敬子、権代敦彦、高橋悠治、一柳慧、久木山直、鷹羽弘晃、北爪道夫、沢田穣治、伊左治直、小倉美春、Bruce Stark, Andras Hamary, Hope Leeなどの作品を世界初演、再演している。 

また、クラシック・アコーディオンの最高峰であるシュテファン・フッソング(Stefan Hussong/acc)とのデュオは10年を超え、共演CD「原田敬子:F/Fragments」はドイツWERGOと日本のキング・インターナショナルよりリリースされ、ドイツ、日本の各メディアで高い評価を得、「レコード芸術アカデミー賞」にノミネートされる。

2017年にはカリン・レヴィン(Carin Levine/fl)らと組んだ原田敬子作品のデュオ・アルバム「midstream」がドイツWERGOよりリリースされ、2018年には日本のキング・インターナショナルからもリリースされた。

執筆活動、楽譜校訂なども盛んであり、ガーシュウィンの「ソング・ブック」「ラプソディー・イン・ブルー」の校訂は版を重ねている。「ぶらあぼ」誌上での連載「メグリンのHappy tune」は100回以上続き、大好評を博した。

ドイツ、カナダ、イタリア、台湾などの現代音楽祭に招待されており、海外の作曲家との交流もさらに広がっている。2019年にはカナダの作曲家Hope・Leeとの共同プロジェクトで、カナダCMN(Canadian music centre)よりソロ・アルバム「across the veiled distances」をリリース。




2007年より年2回主宰する「新しい耳」テッセラ音楽祭はボーダーレスの個性派音楽祭として注目され、ドイツの音楽誌「NEUE ZEITSCHRIFT FUR MUSIK」(2014年3月号)でも2ページにわたり紹介された。2023年33回で終了。また現在は「新しい耳」@B-tech Japan をプロデュース。現在、桐朋学園大学音楽学部で後進の指導にあたる。

Photo : Olena Kushnarova

Yumiko Meguri

After completing her studies at Toho Gakuen Music High School and receiving a Bachelor degree (piano major) from Toho Gakuen College of Music in Tokyo, Meguri furthered her studies with Prof. György Sebök at Indiana University (United States), from which she received an Artist Diploma with the highest distinction. Upon returning to Tokyo, Japan, she performs actively as a pianist.
In addition, most of her recitals were selected as “Best 10 concerts of the year” by “Ongakuno Tomo” (highly acclaimed music magazine in Japan).
She has been invited as a soloist to perform with Nagoya Philharmonic Orchestra, Tokyo Metropolitan Symphony Orchestra, New Japan Philharmonic Orchestra, All Japan Symphony, Tokyo Philharmonic Orchestra, and more. Her deep understanding towards the music brings overwhelming expressions strength, and the sense of rhythm with overflowing liveliness which she continuously giving inspirations to artistes from various genres. 
In term of recordings, Meguri has about 20 albums released, ranging from Bach, Haydn to Bartók, Stravinsky, Takemitsu, G.Crumb, Keiko Harada and more. Besides Western classical music, modern, and contemporary music, she has also released music with Jazz arrangement. Most of her albums were named “Best Album” by “The Record Geijutsu”, a long running classical music
recording magazine in Japan. In addition, the album “Bartók : Sonata for 2 pianos and percussion” is being released throughout United States.
Furthermore, Meguri works closely with composers, such as Keiko Harada, Atsuhiko Gondai, Bruce Stark, Andras Hamary, Hope Lee, and more, to perform (including world premieres) newly composed pieces. In 2014, the portrait album of Keiko Harada (composer) has been released under WERGO (Germany) and King International (Japan), in which Meguri collaborates with
Stefan Hussong(accordionist). This album received many positive reviews in both countries, and was nominated for “Recording Academy Awards (Japan)”. Also, the second album under WERGO was released in 2017 received critical acclaim.
Besides that, Meguri is also active as a writer and an editor for music scores.
Since 2007, she started to produce a music festival called “New Ears”, that runs twice a year at “Salon Tessera” in Tokyo. The festival is gaining more attentions due to its uniqueness in programming and was being introduced largely in the “Neue Zeitschrift für Musik” (Germany, music magazine). In the Festival, more than 30 of new pieces ware world premiered. In recent years, Meguri has been invited to perform in various contemporary music festivals held in
Germany, Canada, Italy, Taiwan and so on. Her exchanges with international composers are also widening. 
Currently, Meguri is teaching as a professor at Toho Gakuen College of Music.